Block chimney with supply air in highly insulating pumice without risk of overheating.
A modular chimney system made of lava rock for wood-burning appliances.
Volcanic insulated pumice blocks - the safest way to install a chimney system.
Volcanic insulated pumice linders - one of the safest way to install a chimney system.
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Pumice is a natural insulator. This is the unique property that separates pumice from all other chimney materials. The insulating properties of Pumice allow the flue gases in the chimney to quickly reach their optimum temperature enabling the heating appliance to reach its optimum performance shortly after lighting.
Pumice stone is stable and yet light, so that one person can lift and build the chimney elements. This property makes it easier and more cost-effective to build the chimney.
Pumice has very little expansion and contraction with temperature change. This reduces the possibility of cracking and structural damage. Furthermore it is a natural insulator, able to maintain the temperature of flue gases when other products have allowed the temperature to fall below the dew point.
Ceramic chimneys: room air-dependent, room air-independent, low-temperature or storey-high prefabricated elements in negative & positive pressure operation.
Whether modular, free-standing systems or outdoor living - Schiedel offers a range of modern stoves for your home.
Stainless steel chimney & flue gas systems for single and multi-family homes, industrial & commercial buildings and large properties. Double-walled, single-walled,...