
Families are embarking on a constantly changing future.

How can Schiedel help? In a turbulent and rapidly changing world, we are increasingly asking ourselves the question: How can and do we want to live together as a family in the future? One answer is that we are spending more time at home again. For Schiedel, this is an opportunity to help families feel at home.

When you look at the world, people and their ever-changing lifestyles, you realize that there is one thing that defines us globally: Time. We are all dependent on it, whether living alone or in a family, in the city or in the country, online or offline. So how will we live in the future? Where do we feel comfortable and what characterizes these places?

Children playing with an iPad in front of a KINGFIRE GRANDE SC

Brand perception

Speaking of brand perception, there are also clear requirements for digital brand communication in the coming years. The premises for product design just described - clear, simple, effective - result in new principles for the visual language and user experience of all digital channels. Smooth, simplified and with a clear focus on the Hero products. Furthermore, digital sales channels such as direct-to-customer will become increasingly important. Finally, it should be mentioned that the so-called influencer market will be saturated in the not too distant future, while live stream communication is on the rise. But no matter which channel we use to sell our products in the future, one thing is certain:


We think big. We think ahead. We think family.


Their main interest is no longer in owning a product, but rather in the service and experience surrounding the product. And both should be seamless and include creative solutions to create a positive, emotionally charged relationship with the product. And, of course, in the short and long term. This is probably one of the biggest shifts in consumer behavior. For decades, customer satisfaction with a high-quality product was de facto guaranteed. Nowadays, it is a frictionless service before and after the product purchase, both online and offline, that determines how consumers perceive a brand.

Child playing with a cuddly toy in front of the stove

How Schiedel meets the future

  • Our focus is on "coziness" and "comfort" in the home.
  • Customer experience and service are our top priorities.
  • We are innovative, progressive and energy-efficient.
  • Our products are attractive, clear, durable and sophisticated.
  • We communicate clearly, simply and effectively.
Woman with tea in front of the stove

More time within your own four walls

The concept of "staying at home" is undergoing a radical change and is becoming an increasingly desirable goal for various reasons - for families as well as for singles and couples without children. Thanks to online shopping, streaming platforms and work options such as home office, there are fewer and fewer reasons to leave the house these days. For brands like Schiedel, who have been developing technologically advanced and visually appealing products for over 70 years - products that further improve living comfort - this development is a huge opportunity to continue to satisfy families in Europe with innovative and energy-efficient chimney solutions, integrated ventilation systems and sustainable stove systems.

Experience instead of possession

In material terms, this primarily means a fascination with clear, simple and effective design as well as a rejection of too much ownership or the feeling of being "cluttered" by too many possessions. In general, it can be predicted that tomorrow's buyers will value the product experience (feel, benefits, design, etc.) more than the mere possession of a product. This means that the emotional relationship with a consumer object is of more substantial importance than ownership. This makes the implementation of features, stories and networking as part of the smart home idea essential for future market success.